Uncovering the Spiritual Dimensions of Science
How do scientists across the globe grapple with meaning, connection, and mystery in a disenchanted age?
About the Project
Is science a spiritual quest?
The Meaning and Mystery in Science project seeks to explore how scientists, often considered bastions of rationality, navigate the yearning for deeper connections—to self, others, nature, and the transcendent. Through rich qualitative interviews, primarily with scientists who consider themselves non-religious, we examine how scientific practice relates to scientists' quest for meaning, and the factors that help and hinder this quest.
Meaning and Mystery in Science
Research Video
Spiritual Yearning in Science
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Research Team
Marveling at nature in scientific research with Martin Nowak, Professor of Mathematics and Biology, Harvard University, and Rob Phillips, Professor of Biophysics, Biology, and Physics at the California Institute of Technology, moderated by Evelyn Tang, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University