“An Enchanted Quest: Spiritual Yearning in Science,” Tuesday, March 11, 2025

An Enchanted Quest: Spiritual Yearning in Science

Max Weber famously argued that modern science leads to disenchantment, stripping the world of mystery and magic. But is that really the case? Our event presents a new international study which examines how scientists experience enchantment and transcendence in their work. Panellists discuss how science can serve as a spiritual resource for believers and nonbelievers alike, and what scientists' experiences suggest about the relevance of spirituality in a secular age.

Event Details:

Tuesday, March 11 
4:15 - 6:00 pm GMT 
Summer Common Room 
Magdalen College 

Please register here.


Dr Brandon Vaidyanathan headshot

Dr Brandon Vaidyanathan, The Catholic University of America

Dr Mari van Emmerik

Dr Mari van Emmerik, University of Cambridge

Ard Louis headshot

Dr Ard Louis, University of Oxford

Dr Robert Gilbert headshot

Dr Robert Gilbert, University of Oxford

This event is organized in collaboration with the Calleva Centre for Evolution and Human Science at the University of Oxford. https://callevacentre.org


“A Bridge Between Worlds: Science, Spirituality, and the Search for Meaning,” New York City, April 3, 2025